GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Refactoring to Hexagonal Rails"

Track: Software Craftsmanship / Time: Tuesday 10:20 - 12:20 / Location: Veilingzaal

Hands-on Workshop

You've heard the buzz about hexagonal architectures, but applying those ideas on your existing Rails code just seems like too big a mountain to climb.
Not any more! In this session, you'll take an example of a classic Rails controller and, guided by Matt, refactor it to the passive controller pattern. As we go, we'll peel all our business logic away from the framework and isolate it into plain old Ruby objects that are fast to test. We'll finish with a show and tell where we share and reflect on what we've learned during the session.

Length: 2 hours
Audience: Anyone with modest Ruby experience, interested in refactoring and applying patterns.
Preparation: Please try to come with Ruby and Rails installed on a laptop, or find a friend who has.

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Matt Wynne, Freelance Programmer and Coach

Matt Wynne

Biography: Matt Wynne

Matt Wynne works as an independent programmer and consultant, helping teams like yours learn to enjoy delivering software to the best of their abilities. He is a core developer on the Cucumber project, and co-author of The Cucumber Book.

Twitter: @mattwynne